Monday, February 4, 2008

Snow up to our Eyeballs!

We have So Much snow here - I feel pretty soon we'll be trapped in like an igloo! The kids are having a blast in it. We had snow slushies last Friday after the 9 inches that fell. It was a snow day too! Pretty impressive to get a snow day in the Midwest. The kids each took a hunk of clean snow and I put on a few drops of slushy syrup flavoring. They ate it and thought it was the coolest thing to have slushies in the winter with the snow that fell!

This just in: 8-12 more inches are due to fall tonight and tomorrow. Looks like I'll be entertaining the children again on Wednesday - snow day I'm sure! This is nuts! Our weather man said that we are on track for 60+ inches of snow this winter and we usually only get 38 inches. Isn't that nice.

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